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Showing posts from February, 2016

How to benefit from adx Entity Form subgrid, lookup and other OOB features in CrmEntityFormView control.

What are Entity Form benefits?     Adxstudio portal has managed forms  and  data driven configurations like Entity From, Entity List etc.     Data driven configuration reflect crm forms, form tabs, views and have only front end javascript option for developers.     Managed forms allows to developer add CrmEntityFormView control that reflects a selected crm form or form tab and provides a few custom server side events those can be consumed as well as regular aspx events (Pre Init, Init, Load etc).        One of the features of data driven configuration is EntityFormMetadata. This metadata can be configured for attributes, subgrids, lookups, geo attributes.  And CrmEntityFormView lacks those features. It means developer cannot control the way lookup will be rendered in the form, which buttons will be added to grid and other OOB Entity Form Metadata benefits. How can developer get the Entity Form Metadata benefits in CrmEntityFormView control? Crm configuration first:      -

Date localization in Adxstudio Portals.

      How to set language based  date format in Adx portal page.      Custom date and time formats in a frontend are always a headache. Adx is trying to make our life better by giving us some OOB options and features.   They changes approach for portal date and time formats implementation and controls very often.       This Adx article demonstrates how to manage formats programmatically but only in version 6.0.0013 and earlier. Till version 7.0.0019  Site Settings ( DateTime/DateFormat, DateTime/TimeFormat , DateTime, DateTimeFormat ) had been used to set body tag attributes with .Net custom and standard formats.   Since 7.0.0019 these Site Settings are still there but the momentjs   library is used to set up body tag attributes. It works great. Except makes you learn a new Java Script library to make it work the way you need. I don’t understand what’s wrong with .Net custom formats.       Let's see how we can benefit from current functionality.       A ssume you